You can turn your passion and the things which irritate you, into purpose. Create a solution – be a problem solver. That’s probably why you are passionate or irritated by certain things. 

Challenge 1

You are working in a job you don’t like too much

Solution: While understanding that you are still operating in purpose, devise a plan to make money passively from a side hustle featuring your passion. Use methods such as affiliate marketing, writing a book, teaching a skill/course online. People make tens of thousands (and millions) per year doing these things.

Objective: When you consistently begin to make money equal to (or more than) what your current job provides, pursue it full time. You will do even better since you now have more time to dedicate to your business and possibly impact more people.

Remarks: Make money from using your talents and abilities. For me as a musician, I play for weddings and functions. This is easy because I am doing something that I love and am good at to make extra money. Yes! Talents and abilities make things easier because they are your specialties!

Challenge 2

You get very upset by people who make excessive noise, burn leaves, or use dangerous chemicals around their houses in the neighborhood

Solution: Devise a plan to start a neighborhood group (you don’t have to lead it) and meet in the community center for occasional seminars on various topics. Don’t start with that topic though or the group will disband in a hurry

Objectives: Through the bond of community fellowship and the imparting of seminars on various topics, such as, you know what, through education, you will overcome these challenges in time.

Remarks: You may discover that part of your life’s purpose is to be an organizer or problem solver. You may even be an inventor and provide a solution to your annoyances. Turn your passion whether negative or positive, into purpose.

charity-What is my purpose in life? What was I born to do?

Remember, your purpose happens no matter where you are or what job you do. It’s a duty and a calling. However, your acquired skills can land you in several occupational roles in your lifetime.

Volunteer in the community or serve others through a charity. You will find that most of the emphasis and value of why we were born, exists in serving others. Love your neighbor as yourself!

Do it now!

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