Why Dogs Get More Love And Respect Than Humans

Spread the love, will ya?

(Last Updated On: January 17, 2021)

I don’t know if this has been your experience but people will say hi to your dog and even go as far as to ask it, “How are you?” — yet they will say absolutely nothing to you.

That was my experience recently. I assumed a young lady was talking to me because last time I checked, that’s how we humans interact.

If you have a low tolerance for bad manners, this could ruffle your feathers. If you are at peace with yourself, you will ignore it. However, in most cases, it’s not about you at all.

Dog and woman sitting by river

Why Some People Like Animals More Than People
The next thing for me to talk about is why — as I am sure you are already asking yourself. Maybe, you have a few suggestions of your own. Here is what you’re probably saying to yourself right now.

Duh! Dogs (Pets)

  1. make me feel special
  2. are cute
  3. help me to deal with depression
  4. are great listeners
  5. make me laugh
  6. keep me fit and active
  7. give me the respect (I think) I deserve
  8. make me happy
  9. are awesome companions for those who live alone
  10. are always positive
  11. love unconditionally – whether we are nice, black or white, ugly, smelly, a looser, successful…______________ (fill in the blank)
  12. don’t talk back
  13. would probably die saving me
  14. are like children, and therefore, a part of the family
  15. are faithful
  16. are always forgiving
  17. don’t remind me of the past
  18. are always excited to see me
  19. are always available

Okay…I was trying for 20, but you get the idea. Long story short… all the things (some) humans are not… When you look at this, dogs/pets are pretty doggone important “people.” I see why the lady wasn’t greeting me now. I get it.

As a dog owner, I can attest to all the above. To solidify their importance even more, there is very little difference between affection for a pet and affection for a human being…shhhhhh. The emotional attachment is the same. But we must be careful and keep this to ourselves, as we can’t let anyone know that our “love” is divided. This can have serious repercussions.

On a serious note, studies even show that some people chose to save their pets from danger rather than humans very scary. Read about that here.

Research also shows that in a recession, there’s no reduction in sales of pet food. People consider pets a part of the family and who would forsake their own in hard times? (Rhetorical question).

I have to say it. These days being treated like a dog can be a blessing.

Dog in bed - man on floor sleeping

Pets Are in Charge
There is a reason for the many animal movies, toys, and storybooks; pet spas, designer wear; special furniture. Pets are a big part of our lives. That’s why “Sleeping in the dog house” is really an honor. When presented with the opportunity, it’s a chance to really get out there; think outside of the box bedroom, and be somebody in their world.

Let’s face it. We are probably their pets from their perspective. Maybe we have got it all wrong.

After all, they get to stay at home all day, are served a healthy diet, relax and play often, get free massages (a biggie) and treats, expensive medical care, genuine love and attention (another biggie), star in YouTube videos, movies, books etc. all without making any contribution whatsoever to our homes. They are allowed to feel entitled, and you know what? They deserve it because of the great value and support they provide to owners.

Forgive me. Some do earn their keep as security experts, guides, bomb detectors, sniffer (super high) dogs… Then there are those who are posers… making lots of noise but run away when faced with danger.

Some Pets Are Wealthier and More Famous Than Humans
Some of them are dressed up in the latest fashion trends, left an inheritance of houses, money – while surviving humans ( lest important) family members reel with anger.

We Are to Care For Them…
Proverbs 12:10 (NIV)
10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
    but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

Pets are to be treated as an extension of our families. Don’t mind the haters who laugh at us when our pets are ill and we are sad. This is real to us.

And when someone who doesn’t like dogs tells us to get rid of it, we are offended. It’s almost like being told to get rid of the children. And the callous line “It’s just a dog” is just as offensive to an animal lover as a hate crime.

So the next time someone speaks to your pet and not you, don’t take it personally. They are just greeting your role poodle model and master. They are connecting with the bundles of positive characteristics listed above…

What Can We Learn From Our Pets?
The thing to take away here is this… people who love animals are expected to have all those awesome qualities too. Think about it…spend enough time with those critters and something is bound to rub off right? But wait, we are told here based on scientific research that “Dogs mirror their owner’s personality.” In the video below, Walter (internet sensation) has demonstrated this very well.

Now, what can we learn from all this? Be an animal. No just kidding – but learn from their wonderful characteristics…

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. — Anatole France

Walter. The family dog or boss?

By the way, isn’t Walter a bundle of joy?
Please share your comments with us.

Spread the love, will ya?

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