Living A Purpose-Filled Life

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(Last Updated On: February 3, 2021)

There are 24 hours in a day and although we can’t control time, in some ways, it’s renewable. Each new day is another gift of precious time to build on learned lessons and position ourselves for success. As human beings, we are given numerous opportunities to correct our mistakes, find our purpose, and so, live a meaningful life. Let’s not take another day for granted; there’s much to be done. Let’s aim to begin today with a head start – armed with the right mindset and with purpose.

What’s in our day?

  • Sleep: 7 to 8 hours (very necessary for good health and alertness)
  • Prepare for work: 1 hour or more
  • The commute to work/school: 1 hour or more
  • Actual work: 8 hours (usually)
  • The commute from work/school: 1 hour or more
  • Chores: 1 hour
  • Eat, Relax, Homework: 2-3 hours

A fair assessment of the above is that we go home to prepare for the next day, and to sleep, right? So, how can we effectively make the most of the time we have for ourselves and still do what we were born to do? We do this by managing ourselves, not time.

Managing Ourselves Vs Managing Time

Success and fulfillment in our lives depend solely on how we manage ourselves. This means our numerous activities and responsibilities (purpose in life), i.e. our goals, jobs, family, church, hobbies, etc. must connect with our general passion for us to experience “Walking in purpose”. They are not to be treated as separate time-consuming events.

We have no control over time but we can change how we leverage it. Understanding this is key to living out our purpose everywhere and at all times.

Living a purpose-filled life requires that we set goals and be accountable in order to be productive. So, it helps considerably when we are doing what we were designed to do. Aligning our goals with our purpose will make our goals much easier to achieve. This should result in influencing 4 particular aspects of our lives –

  1. Our level of productivity/accomplishments
  2. Our personal satisfaction/happiness
  3. Our expertise in the area of our specialty over time
  4. Our integrity and track record

Discovering Purpose

Now, you may have asked yourself before “How do I know what I was created to do?” Apart from the partial answer above, it kinda works itself out once you pay attention. It’s really not that complicated. In addition to who and what you are now in life.

A call to untapped purpose/your full potential can be things you think about a lot but are yet to act on. Set goals, take action, and reap the rewards of living your purpose. Click To Tweet

This is where you get to be you as you ride your destiny and use your unique God-given gifts and potential mastery in these areas.

Disclaimer: It may not necessarily mean that you have to give up what you are currently doing. You will know when you have to let go of stuff as you mature in the preparation and execution of your “calling.”

Knowing Your Purpose Saves Time

Don’t waste time trying to “find” yourself. Get rid of the concept of searching for purpose or you may spend your whole life searching and miss out on amazing opportunities to be effective right now. Rather, follow your passion and enjoy the journey. The big picture involves all the little pieces of the puzzle.

And yes, I have to say it. If you are a husband/wife/parent, your primary purpose is to function effectively in your role in your family. That’s the territory you were given to rule. Work on yourself – increase in knowledge, wisdom, skill. It will help to prepare you to function more ably and with clarity.

TIP: Discuss and if necessary, lose the things that hold you back. You will see more clearly.

Your purpose is defined by your God-given abilities, your desire to grow and serve wherever you are, and your obedience to heed the call to shift or make adjustments when necessary. Where you live out this purpose is any and everywhere He has placed you.

  • Your purpose is the right to exist and
    • be who were created to be,
    • do what you were created to do.
  • It’s how you get to influence others with your unique abilities
  • It’s where you seamlessly fit in and are able to effectively use your gifts to serve
  • It’s fulfilling your important and primary roles in the home as a husband/wife, father/mother

Consolidate and use your strengths, abilities and your talents at home, at work, and at play. The question is… are you fulfilled doing all the above? That’s where you begin to prune.

The more you work on yourself, the more influence you will have on your circle of family & friends, associates, and the world at large. As you go about your daily duties, you will automatically be living out your God-given purpose.

Living Out Your Purpose in Every Moment

Don’t focus on just a few hours outside of work. Live in every moment. Our time is more than a lunch hour and the time we spend away from work. All 24 hours are filled with opportunities and stepping stones along the way.

Know that;

  • To fully live purpose, we must be aware that who we are in every moment, counts
  • Knowing our purpose improves how we relate to others
  • We are not in competition with anyone
  • The sum of our experiences have all together shaped us and prepared us for right now

Live A Purpose-Filled Life Every Day

We can make a difference by learning, changing, inspiring, being aware and being productive at all times. Living in this state ensures that our purpose is always in motion and every hour becomes a means to an end.

Walking in purpose is not a destination but a daily walk, a lifelong journey.  All 24 hours are ours (pun intended).  A good attitude will take control of every moment and leverage it in the best possible way. This is how we manage time.

TIP: Don’t make a to-do list, rather, make a not-to-do-list. You will redeem much time and accomplish so much more.

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Below is how we can optimize our daily schedule to fulfill our purpose in all that we do.

  1. Set goals for work, and for yourself as an individual –
    sometimes work and personal goals will interlock
  2. Execute your daily goals with a good attitude understanding that this is part of the journey
  3. Be your best self at all times – Shine in every moment

The list can go on, but you get the gist.  You will accomplish much and in the end, feel a sense of fulfillment. Enjoy these quotes below.

If you can’t figure out your purpose figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.  — T.D. Jakes

Make sure your goals correspond with your life’s purpose. That will make your goals easier to achieve. Goals that fall outside of your gifts, talents & calling will most likely result in failure. David Eversley Click To Tweet

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Spread the love, will ya?

16 Replies to “Living A Purpose-Filled Life”

  1. Hello David,

    Your article has made me think of my life, my purpose and time. I agree with you that time in our material existence is limited and we as a human species can do only so much. The question I have is where you mentioned about observing ourselves. Can we self-observe? Can we consider inwardly? Is there a meaning to purpose in this consciousness? If time did not exist, then I certainly agree that we can do anything that we will ourselves and establish all our goals. Every single day I wake up and always think positively; avoiding the negative influences. I do this for myself as well as for my friends, family and others. I believe that being positive and compassionate is where we should be and to connect back to nature. I just, in my opinion, do not think that we can establish self-observation and to remember ourselves. However, we can transform ourselves in order to achieve our true purpose in order to live a normal being existence.

    Best Regards,

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and share Sam. Very much appreciated.

      “Observing ourselves” in this context is just taking stock of our lives, our passions and the things that make us who we are. That’s it. 

      Please feel free to come by anytime.

      Thanks again!


  2. You are so right! We can’t manage time as much as we try. Managing ourselves is the key. We are definitely living out our god given purpose regardless to our positions we may hold in life. We can only have more influence and maximize our time by improving ourselves. This post was inspiring to keep moving forward. Thank you!

    1. Thanks very much for reading and sharing Jamie. I believe you have captured it well. Walk in purpose and fulfill your destiny in the earth.


  3. Hmmm, manage myself eh? LOL That’s a good way to look at it. I usually work 8 – 10 hours per day (geeze!). With my other activities I may get 1 hour to relax per day. But living a purpose filled life is definitely something I will try to do from now on. I am burned out. I cant wait until I retire!

    1. Hi Priscilla!

      Thank you for sharing. Hope you can get some more relaxation somehow. 

      All the best for 2019 and beyond.


  4. This is a great article about use of time.  in my opinion time is more valuable than money.  time is something that you can never get back.

    My father once told me that you can throw 20 dollars out the window and drive down the street and find 20 bucks.  However if you waste even one second that is a second you are never getting back no matter what you do.

    I try and practice this theory in my business because there are only so many amounts of time I can work on my business so i have to make good use of every minute.

    Thank you for an article with so much great info.


    1. Hi Dale!

      Thanks for taking the time to read and share. You are quite right. Time is our greatest “commodity.” We need to respect its value and maximize every second of it.

      All the best.


  5. You basically have to plan your time wisely. We all get the same 24 hours in a day and no time should be wasted.

    You realize how fast life is going by when you get older, at least I have.Attitude is everything and we all deserve happiness.

    We should all be planning and setting goals to fulfill a happy life.It’s amazing how fast time goes and we have to live every moment to its fullest.

    Knowing what we want and how to live our lives to get it is what’s most important!Every moment does count! Do you agree that everything should be written down so that you can read it everyday?

    1. Hi Rob!

      You are very right. The older we get the more we realize that we really have to focus. Setting goals is the best way I know how to keep on track. Definitely knowing what we want is the driving force behind our goals.

      I believe having practical detailed plans & setting SMART goals, will lead to a greater chance of success in all of your endeavors. 

      Happy New Year to you and yours!


  6. A great plan for living a purpose-filled life that you have laid out in this article, and of course you have backed it up with a lot of facts and figures as well. I thought it was a rational argument that you have made for living in a manner where we manage ourselves over managing time. 

    A bit of semantics perhaps, but in reality I think you are right. We have the power on how we react to that which is around us, and it is a good attitude and with acting in a purposeful manner that we not only get things done but gain a sense of accomplishment. We can better manage ourselves over managing time often.

    This managing of ourselves in turn leads to a more satisfying lifetsyle and peace of mind. The cycle can repeat itself, and much like the opposite, where no action results in more no action often, it can become almost a self-sustaining process as this positive behavior and attitude becomes a habit. 

    Of course I too subscribe to living a purpose-driven life as well, as you may have surmised! This is such a more joyful way to live, and makes life much more bearable.I have learned these things at a young age, when I was lucky enough to have been exposed to such like-minded people. It has helped me through 62 years now!

    For the person who may be coming across such an article for the first time, I think you may open theor eyes to the potential that is there for the taking if they choose to act. I am an optimist, and believe that most people will choose to take action over NOT taking action if they know what action/steps to take. You lay it out clearly. Good read and thanks.   

    1. Hi Dave.

      Thank you for your very well laid out response to the article. I can see that you have benefited much from this positive mindset and attitude. I am glad that you were exposed to this level of wisdom from a young age…if we all had been exposed to these truths, we could have saved much time in our life’s journey to success and well being.

      Thanks for the kind words and I wish you continued success in all your ventures.

      Happy New Year to you and yours!


  7. Hey David, in spite that we can’t manage time but we can optimize our daily schedule to fulfill our purpose in all that we do.

    We set goals for work and for yourself and be our best self at all times by executing our daily goals with a good attitude and determination.  In such a way, we can have more influence and achieve more accomplishment in the end.

    Thank you for this aspirations article to Live A Purpose-Filled Life Every Day.

    All the best to you.

    Shui Hyen

    1. Hi Shui!

      Thank you so much for your excellent response. Well said. 

      Happy New Year to you and yours.



  8. Hi Dave
    What a timely and meaningful New Year Resolution. Procrastination they say is a thief of time, that’s me sometimes. We tend to leave for tomorrow what we can do today and mostly because we don’t have any daily goals further more long term goals.
    Looking forward to chatting with you in setting meaningful long term goals which will be etched out in my daily goals.
    A very inspiring article, already excited about 2019
    Thanks Eve

    1. Hi Yvette!
      Thanks for your kind words. You are quite right about procrastination and so many of us are affected by it.
      If you are interested, here is another post that deals with how to plan for 2019 and beyond. Hope you enjoy it. Click here.

      Happy New Year to you and yours!

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